
another invitation to blog elsewhere

my friend's inviting people to blog at iph via a 2-month trial period. - i'll give it a shot sometime soon, let me know when anyone of you considers doing so too. who knows, a free membership might be up for grabs (a $15/year value)!

my friend is also advising me to put up more interactive content in my blog, so i'll do just that as soon as i figure out how to do it.

also, i'm in the market for a miniDV video camera these days - trying to look for a Sony DCR-TRV70/80, or anything within the P20k-P30k range that's really good. any help would be really appreciated. =)

1 comment:

Ton said...

dude, my sister's officemate is selling a minidv camera...it's never been used. i've tried it though and it's really cool. I'll see if we can cut the price then maybe she can sell it to you na lang. I'll have to check what model it is.