
worst driving experience

last night was probably my worst drive home yet.

can you imagine streets full of cars all going nowhere, stuck in traffic, only moving for every 10 or so minutes? well, i was in that sort of traffic last night.

and look at all the commuters who just decided to walk instead... (sorry if it was blurry - forgot to stash my digicam with me, so i had to use my phone instead)

at least my drive home wasn't as bad as my parents. my usual travel time of 1 1/4 hours was bloated to 4 hours. my parents, on the other hand, had a bloated travel time of 6 hours... considering that the usual would be around 45 minutes!

i confirmed something last nite as well - wherever there's heavy traffic, there's bound to be those trekkers selling all sorts of goodies to the drivers everywhere, from cigarettes to peanuts to candies to water.

oh man. i hope that doesn't happen again. ever.

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